A Comic by:  Melissa Jewell

Front Page
Character Guide
General Info
AUG Sep 2003
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 © Melissa Jewell 2002


I'm kinda tired of making link pages, especially when they are always the same, so this one is going to be streamlined a bit.  Yep, all you will find here are links to comics I read and self serving links to my art archives and homepage (where you'll find the links to my friend's sites, which I recommend and might still paste here later.)


The Comics:

Gene Catlow
? ?


The Self-Serving

Mewtopia.net - My Home Page!
My Art at VCL , Side7 and YNA


The Obligatory Link Banner

Sure it's oddy sized, and kinda large, but come on... 

you know I'm worth it.
You jerk, if you don't think I'm worth it.  I guess you can use this less spiffy one

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